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The Privacy & Fair Processing Notice contains a link to the Cookie Policy.

If you are rendering the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice in an iframe on an external website you will need to set the src attribute of the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice iframe to the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice url but also pass the Cookie Policy page url from the parent website as a query string.


Site url with the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice iframe: http://www.thisisanexample.com/privacy-fair-processing lets call this Url1

Lets say the iframe on this page uses http://118documents.com/privacyfairprocessing as the source url to get the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice to display, lets call this Url2.

Site url with the Cookie Policy iframe: http://www.thisisanexample.com/cookie-policy lets call this Url3

Lets say the iframe on this page uses http://118documents.com/cookiepolicy as the source url to get the Cookie Policy to display, lets call this Url4.

For the Cookie Policy link on the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice to direct you to the parent sites Cookie Policy page (http://www.thisisanexample.com/cookie-policy) rather than opening http://118documents.com/cookiepolicy (which would just be a plain text version of the Cookie Policy) the source url of the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice iframe needs to be http://118documents.com/privacyfairprocessing?cookiePolicyUrl=http://www.thisisanexample.com/cookie-policy

This equates to Url2 + ?cookiePolicyUrl= + Url3

http://118documents.com/privacyfairprocessing + ?cookiePolicyUrl= + http://www.thisisanexample.com/cookie-policy

The real urls for Url1 and Url3 will shown in the Urls section above, for the Privacy & Fair Processing Notice and Cookie Policy respectively.

A working example of this can be seen by visiting the link below and looking at the page source for the Cookie Policy link. marketlocation.co.uk/privacy-policy/

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