118 Data Resource Ltd and Market Location Ltd – Supplier Declaration and Business Conduct

As part of Market Location (ML) and 118 Data Resource Limited’s (118) commitment to following the principles contained in our ISO27001 Information Security Management System and ISO27701 certification and the Data and Marketing Association Code of Conduct, we expect our Suppliers to follow comparable standards in their conduct. Our expectations are set out below in our Supplier Declaration.
Supplier Declaration
In accordance with our Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, Suppliers shall acknowledge that they have reviewed and agrees to comply with such Supplier Declaration (below) in connection with their performance under an issued Purchase Order. The Supplier Declaration sets out the applicable minimum standards. See the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions for further details.
Principle 1: Compliance with laws and adherence to generally accepted standards
As a Supplier to ML and 118 we will:
- Comply with applicable laws and regulations, including relevant anti-corruption legislation;
- Operate in accordance with generally accepted principles and standards relating to social and environmental responsibility, and internationally recognized human rights including laws preventing modern slavery;
- Always conduct our procurement activity with integrity.
Principle 2: Anti-Bribery and Anti-corruption
As a Supplier to ML we will:
- Not partake in any form of corruption or bribery, and ensure that business decisions are not influenced through any improper or illegal payments, either through cash, gifts, travel or anything else of value including intangible benefits;
- Refrain from presenting any invitations or gifts, or anything of value, to ML employees with an intention to gain any form of influence;
- Disclose to ML any requests or pressure to provide bribes (any kind of benefit) in any form, either to Public Officials or any other parties, directly or indirectly, that may try to influence or provide an unfair business advantage.
Principle 3: Records
As a Supplier to ML we will:
- Maintain complete records that accurately reflect all business transactions and expenditures that are prepared in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Principle 4: Conflicts of interest
As a Supplier to ML we will:
- Avoid situations where our own interests’ conflict, or could conflict, with the business interests of ML.
- Notify ML without delay, if we become aware of a conflict of interest, including if a ML employee has a financial interest in our company or is related to our company in any other way.
Principle 5: Protection of assets and information
As a Supplier to ML we will:
- Contribute to safeguarding ML's assets from theft, misuse or waste;
- Take necessary measures to protect, and keep ML data and information that is available to us confidential;
- Appropriately manage a range of supplier-related risks;
- Protect the reputation and meet the regulatory requirements of ML with regard to procurement activity and supplier engagement.
Principle 6: Anti-competition and economic and trade sanctions
As a Supplier to ML we will:
- Not engage in any activities that could reasonably be construed as being anti-competitive, abusive or unfair, and comply with applicable anti-trust and anti-competition laws and regulations;
- Comply with laws and regulations governing the export or import of goods, products and services, and those relating to economic and trade sanctions, and anti-boycott.
Principle 7: Employees
As a Supplier to ML we will:
- Provide for safe workplaces that comply with relevant international labour standards;
- Ensure fair employment practices, and refrain from any form of unethical or illegal employment practices (such as harassment or physical assault, any form of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour including, but not limited to child- labour);
- Ensure that wages, working hours, vacation and leave periods provided to employees and hired external contractors are in accordance with applicable law and/or agreements;
- Not discriminate against employees on the grounds of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ideology, disability or age;
- Assure the rights of association and collective bargaining and provide employees with written agreements of employment, as governed by local legislation;
- Adhere to all applicable data protection laws.
Principle 8: Ethical and Sustainable Working
- Deliver value for money outcomes for ML, in an ethical and sustainable way.
Principle 9: Work with Likewise Thinking Suppliers
- Build relationships with preferred suppliers who understand our business needs;
- Ensure supplier diversity and effective supplier management approaches are employed.

Version No: 1.2 Version Date: 1st June 2022